Wednesday, October 23, 2013


1) In the short story Why We Crave Horror Movies written by Stephen King his thesis statement was I think we're all mentally ill, really it was unique because he put it in the beginning of the story. 2) Stephen King used Jack the Ripper and Cleveland Torso in the story as reference as when we go to the movies our crazy side let's us cheer them on and accept them for what and who they are,so with that it supports his thesis because only a crazy person/people can cheer on a murderer 3) In paragraph 4 when King spoke of the films being innately conservative,even reactionary he was bascially saying we love the films but we also dont like them not to be to far fetched we would rather see action reacted instead of newnest,in paragraph 11 when he said anarchistic, and revolutionary we like all the old horror films just with a modern day twist with it. 4) The alligators represented in paragraph 12 monsters that would be hiding in a film under a trap door or something to that exstint but in paragraph 14 if we all have love we would be ok but the moment when our desire for horror occurs then that urge or gator inside of us has to fed. Mental illness is acceptable to an degree. Stephen King has some valid points because when we are watching the news and see something bad we grimace and complain on how horrible that is butmoment the same scene was in a movie we clap and cheer. Just like Jack the Ripper i never read that story but im sure it has some bad murders or something and King spoke onhow we would clap and cheer even tho they never got caught in the end. So why do we as society accept that. Like King said we all have a little mental illness.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Being Black

1)In the essay Black Men and Public Space the author Brent Staples didn't clearly state the thesis in my opinion but if it was my essay my thesis would be, even though this is the land of the free being a black male in America can still make people uncomfortable in their own space. 2) Staples first found out that people were just judging him by the way he looked when he was a graduate student going to the University of Chicago, after he learned this he was embarrassed, surprised, and in dismay. He even stated that it made him feel like an accomplice in tyranny. 3) Throughout the essay Staples only gave a couple of occasions where he was in evident danger. One of the those times was when he was working as a journalist in Chicago and he had a deadline and was mistaken for a burglar and the manager called security. The other incident happened when he was killing time before he went to get a story so he decided to stop by a jewelry store and henwent in and she(jeweler) went and got her guard dog and would not answer any of his questions. He handled the dangers by just smothering it because without that he said "it would be madness." 4) Learning from his earlier encounters Staples now take certain precautions to prevent feeling isolated, those methods are whistling Beethoven and Vivaldi and more classical composers, or if people are going into the same door he is and he is trailing he will keep going and let them go ahead in instead of coming in immediately after them. According to him(Staples) that works because the impression of a mugger, rapist, or even something more serious whistling a joyful tune doesn't seem to co-exist. Racial profiling reveals that between the human race we as a whole see each other as different species. In my eyes when we profile people we isolate a the person being profiled. We are suppose to have and high intelligence but how we treat each other I couldn't tell. I have been profiled and it shows pure ignorance, and until we rid it in our society then we will continue to have incidents like the trayvon Martin, Rodney King and like the case of William H. Parker who was gunned down even while trying to comply with police officers. In our society right now racism is on the fall but profiling is becoming more evident. After 911 the Middle Easterners are starting to get the same treatment African Americans have been receiving for years in this country. That part of the reasons our country is going backwards instead if forward. Once upon a time America the land of the free the place to be is now become a nightmare and societial joke. It goes to show the less interaction a person has with the opposite race they are more susceptible to profiling of some sort. Unless a person deal with the opposite on a daily base then all of the superstition and stero types will disappear.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

In the article Friending, Ancient or otherwise the authors thesis statement was we envolved in speech we didnt envolve in writing. But I don't think the authour statement was clear because of where it was located but he did pick a side. He also to think that the socuial networks were designed to to sastify the user by being accepted and feel apart. but hte social networks don't seem to sastfy people in that way to meit seems more of boredom and it is actually stopiing people form speaking to each other in person. we spend more time involed with the social networks that people human to human contact is going down. this isnt good for the human species because we need human contact so we can further evolve. the more time we spend on social networks

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being in a writing class with topics that college students cannot relate to may also have something to do with students not participating in classroom discussions. Coming into college from high school student most realize that since they are in college that topics must be up to par. If topics such as legalizing marijuana, abortions right or wrong?, concussions in sports, regulating the new age of football. These are topics that are important and happening in their generation so why not talk about that? Or talk about the latest apple technology. Also since allot of students athletes attend class professors could use things such as what financial gain or lost does a team take when they franchise a player, or is it wrong for big time and small time collegiate sport athlete not to get paid or gain any benefits outside of their sports scholarship. Even though these are sports topics and may have nothing to do with English but it will at least to get the students to participate in class. Most teachers take attendance by calling a student’s name and for the rest of the class that may have been the only participance that student has engaged in. some things need to change because this happening all over college campuses. Why? Well why teachers don’t make the classroom like and debate type of atmosphere. Allot of classrooms that I have been in personally have been more like a one-sided debate where the teacher is giving information, more group activities, moving around in class, coming up writing on the board, calling people at random, and just using educational types of games. These are just a few, then that would even take care of the students being prepared for class. The other thing I found out students don’t like to get embarrassed in front of their peers. So by them not knowing what the teachers is going to do in class that day it would force them to prepare them-selves for all possible outcomes. By picking topics that are important to students but have some educational background, along with fun activities will make students write better and participate in class more.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

grade inflation

Doing a recent survey around A local campus I found some disturbing facts about study habits and grade inflation. On a Tuesday after I passed out 40 surveys 20 to males and 20 to the females, asking these five question: 1) how many hours do you study a week?
2)what's their favorite subject?why?
3) If you found out you were failing two classes, a subject you liked and one you didn't like which one would you put most effort into?
4)do you study or more laid back teacher or a more stricter teacher?
5) do you believe their is grade inflation on your campus?
 Off of those five questions in some areas the stats were horrid and I was in total disbelief. The answers I thought I was going to get was ampere illusion. When being asked how many ours do they study I figured it would say at least 15 but, I got 85% were only studying 8hours that isn't even half of the time that is actually suppose to be spent on studying for full time students. The question of subjects ranged which was good in my eyes so that way a lot of different fields would get explored and we as America could fine more things out in this world. But this is where the survey got interesting because being asked to choose what failing grade would they put the most time to bring up their grade  a whopping 80% of the students said they wouldn't do anything different except pay a little more attention in class, while 18% said they would go harder in the class they least liked because they were less likely to pay attention in class and the final 2 said the class they liked because they liked the subject. This was just a funny question I threw in just to see how students would react and they did not surprise at all because 96% said they wanted a laid back teachers because then school would be fun. This last question was a little risky because schools have lost sponsors and millions of dollars on this subject which is grade inflation. Students on the campus believed that. 50%     Of teachers graded with a curve or grade a little easier, or even just straight out boost grades. To some people that comes off ok but here is where the real problem is coming in after college and were theses students our out trying to fight for positions in the "real world" and that student who really did earn that grade goes up against that more laid back student who's at the disadvantage?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I am lazy

In the article my lazy american students it seemed that the author spoke about me. I am very lazy until its crunch time then i putall my energy and effort forward to classwork like I am suppose to. I don't know why i won't do this ahead of time so it wouldn't be a crunch time but I dont. I think maybe that nerds are the people that should do that type of stuff and most kids that i know from other countries do well here because in their own countries education is a priorty. they look at america education as slow compared to what they are use to. Speaking on my own experience the days when im disengaged isnt because i dont want to learn its more than likely boring on how the teacher is giving the information out. also the being lazy part comes from throughout the years of stuff being given to us(Americans) why would we want to go the extra is percieved that jocks and no jocks but not nerds have a social life so that tends to get in the way. or its because we as a whole praise the things that don't matter. like who dresses the best who looks the best etc. so if America care about things like that instead of education why should i go the extra mile to be the best when that not gone get me anything but picked on and outcasted from my peers?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

El Chapo

I'm known as El Chapo and I have money habits, and every time I see some money I have to grab it! I started my college life at the university of Michigan after getting my AA degree I then transferred to Texas southern which was college that was pretty well known for its law school. Once I got there I didn't like the environment so I transferred again. Now I attend a small family oriented college in a little town In the heart of West Virginia where I found lots of success. Being that I had a very rough up bringing I'm always motivated to become the best in everything, because going home and living with my mom or depending on anybody else is not a option. Having a passion to become the best is always a task in itself, it seems like the worst your background is the harder it is to become a top shotta. With all that being said my goal for this up coming year is to become well known by all the important people so when I need a recommendation there would be an abundance of people waiting and wanting to talk about how well mannered and how respectful I am to others. I want people to be able to tell my story in an seminar as motivation to others. I'm a 23 year African American and I have never quit on anything in my life in fact I always made sure I was one of the top if not the top person in whatever. Being that I am El Chapo I don't have time to waste, so I have a problem with people who do waste time. I love to laugh and have fun, but at the same time I'm all about the business. Over the years I have become a lot calmer and articulate in my words of how I come across to people because you never know who you may need one day. If you have money habits like I do then you understand a lot of what I'm saying right now.