Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I am lazy

In the article my lazy american students it seemed that the author spoke about me. I am very lazy until its crunch time then i putall my energy and effort forward to classwork like I am suppose to. I don't know why i won't do this ahead of time so it wouldn't be a crunch time but I dont. I think maybe that nerds are the people that should do that type of stuff and most kids that i know from other countries do well here because in their own countries education is a priorty. they look at america education as slow compared to what they are use to. Speaking on my own experience the days when im disengaged isnt because i dont want to learn its more than likely boring on how the teacher is giving the information out. also the being lazy part comes from throughout the years of stuff being given to us(Americans) why would we want to go the extra is percieved that jocks and no jocks but not nerds have a social life so that tends to get in the way. or its because we as a whole praise the things that don't matter. like who dresses the best who looks the best etc. so if America care about things like that instead of education why should i go the extra mile to be the best when that not gone get me anything but picked on and outcasted from my peers?

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