Wednesday, September 18, 2013

grade inflation

Doing a recent survey around A local campus I found some disturbing facts about study habits and grade inflation. On a Tuesday after I passed out 40 surveys 20 to males and 20 to the females, asking these five question: 1) how many hours do you study a week?
2)what's their favorite subject?why?
3) If you found out you were failing two classes, a subject you liked and one you didn't like which one would you put most effort into?
4)do you study or more laid back teacher or a more stricter teacher?
5) do you believe their is grade inflation on your campus?
 Off of those five questions in some areas the stats were horrid and I was in total disbelief. The answers I thought I was going to get was ampere illusion. When being asked how many ours do they study I figured it would say at least 15 but, I got 85% were only studying 8hours that isn't even half of the time that is actually suppose to be spent on studying for full time students. The question of subjects ranged which was good in my eyes so that way a lot of different fields would get explored and we as America could fine more things out in this world. But this is where the survey got interesting because being asked to choose what failing grade would they put the most time to bring up their grade  a whopping 80% of the students said they wouldn't do anything different except pay a little more attention in class, while 18% said they would go harder in the class they least liked because they were less likely to pay attention in class and the final 2 said the class they liked because they liked the subject. This was just a funny question I threw in just to see how students would react and they did not surprise at all because 96% said they wanted a laid back teachers because then school would be fun. This last question was a little risky because schools have lost sponsors and millions of dollars on this subject which is grade inflation. Students on the campus believed that. 50%     Of teachers graded with a curve or grade a little easier, or even just straight out boost grades. To some people that comes off ok but here is where the real problem is coming in after college and were theses students our out trying to fight for positions in the "real world" and that student who really did earn that grade goes up against that more laid back student who's at the disadvantage?

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