Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being in a writing class with topics that college students cannot relate to may also have something to do with students not participating in classroom discussions. Coming into college from high school student most realize that since they are in college that topics must be up to par. If topics such as legalizing marijuana, abortions right or wrong?, concussions in sports, regulating the new age of football. These are topics that are important and happening in their generation so why not talk about that? Or talk about the latest apple technology. Also since allot of students athletes attend class professors could use things such as what financial gain or lost does a team take when they franchise a player, or is it wrong for big time and small time collegiate sport athlete not to get paid or gain any benefits outside of their sports scholarship. Even though these are sports topics and may have nothing to do with English but it will at least to get the students to participate in class. Most teachers take attendance by calling a student’s name and for the rest of the class that may have been the only participance that student has engaged in. some things need to change because this happening all over college campuses. Why? Well why teachers don’t make the classroom like and debate type of atmosphere. Allot of classrooms that I have been in personally have been more like a one-sided debate where the teacher is giving information, more group activities, moving around in class, coming up writing on the board, calling people at random, and just using educational types of games. These are just a few, then that would even take care of the students being prepared for class. The other thing I found out students don’t like to get embarrassed in front of their peers. So by them not knowing what the teachers is going to do in class that day it would force them to prepare them-selves for all possible outcomes. By picking topics that are important to students but have some educational background, along with fun activities will make students write better and participate in class more.

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