Wednesday, October 23, 2013


1) In the short story Why We Crave Horror Movies written by Stephen King his thesis statement was I think we're all mentally ill, really it was unique because he put it in the beginning of the story. 2) Stephen King used Jack the Ripper and Cleveland Torso in the story as reference as when we go to the movies our crazy side let's us cheer them on and accept them for what and who they are,so with that it supports his thesis because only a crazy person/people can cheer on a murderer 3) In paragraph 4 when King spoke of the films being innately conservative,even reactionary he was bascially saying we love the films but we also dont like them not to be to far fetched we would rather see action reacted instead of newnest,in paragraph 11 when he said anarchistic, and revolutionary we like all the old horror films just with a modern day twist with it. 4) The alligators represented in paragraph 12 monsters that would be hiding in a film under a trap door or something to that exstint but in paragraph 14 if we all have love we would be ok but the moment when our desire for horror occurs then that urge or gator inside of us has to fed. Mental illness is acceptable to an degree. Stephen King has some valid points because when we are watching the news and see something bad we grimace and complain on how horrible that is butmoment the same scene was in a movie we clap and cheer. Just like Jack the Ripper i never read that story but im sure it has some bad murders or something and King spoke onhow we would clap and cheer even tho they never got caught in the end. So why do we as society accept that. Like King said we all have a little mental illness.

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